Expat Dogs

Expat Dogs

a community for expats with dogs who walk and train their dogs together

Welcome to our expat community for dog lovers! Join us for socialization walks and dog training sessions with fellow expats. Enjoy an obedient dog with whom you can explore region. Connect, share tips, and explore dog-friendly spots in the city. Get advice on pet care, from vets to grooming. Join our community for a fun and friendly experience with expats and their furry friends!

Having an obedient dog is not a convenience. It’s essential!

Living abroad is an adventure on its own, and doing it with a four-legged sidekick adds a whole new level of challenges. In Sweden, the approach to dog ownership reflects a harmonious blend of responsible ownership, cultural values, and a commitment to fostering positive relationships between dogs and society. Well-behaved dogs are a testament to owners who prioritize the training and care of their pets.

Here, dogs seamlessly blend into daily life and outings, becoming cherished family members. They join family outings, whether it’s a hike, or a picnic in the park. Cafés and restaurants warmly welcome well-behaved dogs, providing a dog-friendly atmosphere. An obedient dog is a key companion in leading a balanced and enjoyable expat life in Sweden.

So, here we are, kicking off a community where every wagging tail is a testament to the shared passion for an active, vibrant life in a new place, with our dogs by our side. Join us – it’s about more than just walks; it’s about creating a community that understands the unique challenges and joys of it all. I’d love to see that it’s making the adjustment process run smoothly for all of us.  

Woman walking with an obedient Jack Russell and Labrador in countryside.

Pup Education Hub obedience & tricks training

Access expert advice and valuable tips with Pup Education Hub’s training sessions and webinars, enhancing your understanding of canine behavior and care.